Sky painting again is the key work in this series conceptually, if not formally. It is a picture of the view from a road, on the journey home. The same power lines and the same trees making their way through the seasons again, a little taller. The title is inspired by the titles in some of Bob Dylan's 1960's songs, Absolutely Sweet Marie, and Obviously 5 Believers, and Approximately Queen Jane. The again in Sky painting again hints at a disappointment in the exhaustingly dull repetitiveness of daily life, the tedium of so many duties towards so many things, and the obvious spiritual advantage in finding beauty and wonder and complexity in everyday experiences. This affective dimension of the pictures in this series is combined here with a remark about the dull repetitive stupidity of even this task, of the low level of expectations we have for ourselves if we find that art aims merely at reminding us of this simple truth, and so this painting is also a kind of lament about low expectations, and the depravity of simplicity.
This image appeared in another painting a decade later - see here.

Finalist: Clouds3, Newcastle Art Space, Newcastle, NSW
Finalist: Salon 21, Aarwun Gallery, Gold Creek, Canberra, ACT.

Shining optimism in darkness.
This reappeared in a painting a decade later - see here.

Exhibitions: Finalist: Salon 21, Aarwun Gallery, Gold Creek, Canberra, ACT.

Sky painting again is the key work in this series conceptually, if not formally. It is a picture of the view from a road, on the journey home. The same power lines and the same trees making their way through the seasons again, a little taller. The title is inspired by the titles in some of Bob Dylan's 1960's songs, Absolutely Sweet Marie, and Obviously 5 Believers, and Approximately Queen Jane. The again in Sky painting again hints at a disappointment in the exhaustingly dull repetitiveness of daily life, the tedium of so many duties towards so many things, and the obvious spiritual advantage in finding beauty and wonder and complexity in everyday experiences. This affective dimension of the pictures in this series is combined here with a remark about the dull repetitive stupidity of even this task, of the low level of expectations we have for ourselves if we find that art aims merely at reminding us of this simple truth, and so this painting is also a kind of lament about low expectations, and the depravity of simplicity.
This image appeared in another painting a decade later - see here.
Finalist: Clouds3, Newcastle Art Space, Newcastle, NSW
Finalist: Salon 21, Aarwun Gallery, Gold Creek, Canberra, ACT.
Shining optimism in darkness.
This reappeared in a painting a decade later - see here.
Exhibitions: Finalist: Salon 21, Aarwun Gallery, Gold Creek, Canberra, ACT.